颜色 Colours
Hi everyone,
Everyone knows colours – at school we learn that light is split up into its colours by a prism.
just like a rainbow when it rains.
But when buying coloured ink for a computer printer,they use special colours.
Cyan ( blue) Magenta ( like purple ) Yellow and black.
When you put a thermometer into each colour,you find that it gets hottest below the red = heat is infrared (infra = below), whereas there are invisible rays above the purple (violet) called ultra violet. (ultra means above).
When buying paint,the shop will write the colour in a digital format,because there are so many shades of each colour, and they can be light colours,or dark colours.
Look around for special colours – pink ,brown, grey-
There are Primary colours with lights -mixing the three primary colours can make any colour.
bye now,