蛇和梯子游戏 – Back to square one

Hi everyone,
We have several tasks this week.
How do we say these sums? (There are many ways – today we use one of the ways – later we will learn others).

This is how we say them :
4 times 5 is 20
8 plus 2 is 10
15 minus 3 is 12
21 divided by 3 is 7

2. Remember in our last lesson we played BINGO?   This week we learn a new game called “Snakes and Ladders”
What is the aim of the game?
The aim of the game is to get to “FINISH” first.

How do you play it?
Players take it in turns to throw the dice,read the number,then move their counter that many squares.If they land on a question,they must answer it correctly.
If they land on a ladder they go up that ladder.
If they land on a snake they must go down the snake.

 – Back to square one

The expression ” Back to square one” means to start again,and it comes from this game,where a player might land on a snake which has its tail on  number one square .If you land on this snake,you must “go back to square one.” – to the beginning,and start again..

How to use this expression:

eg. John was taking photos of trees in different seasons for a Calendar ,but after 12 months he lost his camera and then had to start from square one.

Try playing snakes and ladders with another person and only speak english!


Here’s a link to the BBC English Lessons for Chinese speakers. Click on this link!

Bye now,
