奥新军团节日 ANZAC Day holiday

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was ANZAC Day. ANZAC stands for “The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps” – soldiers who fought in our armies in World War 1  and 2. REMEMBER – do not say the “p” at the end of Corp – it is silent. It;s pronounced “cor”

( otherwise you talk about a dead body 尸体  pronounced “corpse”)

There were two very famous songs of the 1930’s and 1940’s during those war years sung by an English singer Vera Lyn. Vera is still alive and this year celebrated  her 101st birthday.!


Her two famous songs are very sad – Grey clouds represent War  – Blue sky represents Peace and freedom

Bluebirds – they represent happiness and the British war plane the Spitfire,In the picture above you can see 3 Spitfires flying over the White cliffs of Dover on the coast of England.

Here are the words of her song “There’ll be Bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover” from around 1939.

Here is a link to the video of the song with pictures of her during her life and at 101 yrs old.

Here is a link to her second famous song entitled ” We’ll meet again”- a very sad wartime song when people separate because of the war.