如何玩游戏 – Bingo How to play games – Bingo

Hi everyone,

Have you practised speaking English at the supermarket yet?

Today we learn how to play a game.When playing a game we ask 2 questions:

Question 1. What happens in the game?

Question 2. What is the aim of the game? How do you win?

Today we play BINGO using this card of Four-letter words. (Whenever we say ” four letter word” – this usually means swear words! – because swear words usually have 4 letters!)


Answer 1. Each player gets a card with 4 letter words in rows and columns.The Leader of the game calls out a word,and the player puts a coloured paper square onto the word..

Answer 2.The aim of the game is to have 5 words in a row – horizontal,vertical, or diagonal.When a player has 5 words like this they shout “BINGO” and they win.

Remember we aim at a target and aim to hit the bullseye.


Computer words:

Watch my word map video and learn the vocab