我的汽油用完了 I’ve run out of petrol!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I ran out of ink, so I couldn’t print our lesson!  That was embarrassing.

Question: Do you know when one always runs out of ink?

Answer: Just when you need to print something. Ha Ha – and at night when the shops are closed. Ha Ha.


the expression ” to run out of… (something) ” is a very useful  one.   ” to run out of (something  – eg petrol ) ”  we say.” I have run out of petrol.”= I have no  petrol.

If I say ” 我的石油越来越少” = ” I am running out of petrol”

If I say “现在我的汽油用完了” = ” Now I have run out of petrol”

If it happened yesterday, I would say ” Yesterday I ran out of petrol”

In the future,you would say ” I will run out of petrol”

We can run out of anything – we can run out of ideas,       water,      ingredients,        opportunities,      patience, –      in fact,  anything that gets less and less with time.

This really is an everyday  expression – you can use it right now. eg ” I’m running out of time” or ” I’m running late.” = I am late.

Great,well,this is an unusually useful expression,and I am explaining it all because I ran out of ink. Ha Ha.

I look forward to hearing you using this in class

Bye now and keep up the good work,
