玻璃容器 Terrarium for plants Lesson 9
I hope everyone is well.
Today’s lesson is made up of 3 parts:
- Asking the question ” What have you been doing during the lockdown?”
- Our Listening Australia Lesson on Supermarket announcements
- and “That’s Life” lesson on shopping at the Deli ( Delicatessen ) and we learn some measure words for different foods.
- Actually, I have a big orange tree in the back garden,and I love picking the oranges and making juice.
- Also I decided that I would make a terrarium – a glass container with plants growing in it.
Oranges on our tree Our grandkids love picking oranges with Grandpa A terrarium
The ending “-arium” means a place for certain things eg aquarium – a place for fish and sea creatures. A vivarium – a place for living animals – traditionally snakes,lizards.frogs and so forth. And a “terrarium” is a place where you grow plants. “terra” means the earth – the ground, eg Australia was called ” Terra Australis Incognita ” = The unkown south Land. and also “Mediterranean Sea ” = middle of the earth Sea.!
Lastly,What does it mean ” to receive the wooden spoon”?

To get the wooden spoon means you came last in an event!
Enjoy the Lesson,